Victoria’s Visual Communications
JOU 143
From this project, I was able to learn a lot about balance and paying attention to detail. So much thought and creativity went into creating these compositions and I am happy with the way they turned out. Two of the three designs are non-representational and have no meaning. My only representational design was the asymmetrical. When creating the design, I gave it meaning. The triangles are for the highs in life, such as mountains and the half circles are a representation of waves and water for the lows in life. Most of my shapes are geometric besides the design I used for my symmetrical piece. Each of the black and white shapes have a positive and negative space. The negative space brings balance to the positive space and ties everything together. Balance was used within the positive and negative space and distributed to make the design visually pleasing. My asymmetrical design is definitely my favorite piece. I was able to keep my work balanced without it being identical. My final designs came out better than I originally planned, but I could work on staying patient with the scissors and focusing on glueing everything down the right way and not be rushed.