Victoria’s Visual Communications
JOU 143
For this design, I utilized a total of 12 images that I selected from about 50 other images. Most of the pictures I took of my teammates, but there are three pictures that I asked strangers for. For the layout I sorted it by skin tone. I tried not to put two lighter skin tones together and vice versa. Using the grid was definitely a challenge. It was hard sorting everything out and getting it to fit into the right place. It took a lot of time and obviously it still is not perfect. I think for the most part there is a visual flow. The eyes are lined up pretty evenly and even though the grid is not incredibly straight, I do not think it takes away from the image. This was a really hard design to do and I originally did not think it would be so challenging. I had a difficult editing the lighting in the pictures and making sure the images stayed within the grid. It was a learning process, and it took a lot of focus and work to make sure the design turned out okay.